miracle hair treatment

You guys know I am usually strictly fashion, however, you seemed to enjoy my post about skincare company Manenocte so much, I thought I’d give the beauty post another go-around!


So not long ago, I got to work with hair genius Joey Scandizzo, and aficionado of hair and beauty photography, Andrew O’Toole. They made me look pretty in a photo and it was great fun, because they are all-round good dudes. But they are also the creators of new product company Eleven Australia, and they were kind enough to give me a sample of their first product, Miracle Hair Treatment, which was super lovely of them. I had been having some hair troubles recently (read: it was basically snapping off), what with all the bleaching my naturally dark brown hair regularly goes through.

I had a bit of chop (which you probably noticed if you follow me on Instagram), but I also use this after every time I wash my hair now. It makes my hair feel silky smooth, even though I still have to bleach my hair and blowdry it all the time. I think one of the things I love the most is that it’s not super heavy, like some other leave-in treatments. I really struggled with Moroccan Oil even though everyone recommended it, it was super heavy and left oily residue on my hair, no matter how little I used. This Miracle Treatment is the complete opposite, you can’t feel it at all, and it leaves no residue whatsoever. And obviously, it’s excellent if you are lazy like myself and really can’t be bothered doing those hot oil, wrap plastic on your head, wash out treatments twice a week. They take a whole bunch of effort and moving etc etc, plus its super messy. This is so simple, perfect for the lazy person who has to maintain coloured hair.

It boasts 11 wonderful qualities:

  1. Adds shine, smoothness and softness
  2. Controls frizz and flyaways
  3. Moisturises
  4. Strengthens fragile hair
  5. Prevents split ends
  6. Detangles and creates manageability
  7. Protects against heat styling
  8. Enhances natural body
  9. Repairs dry damaged hair
  10. Protects hair colour with UVA and UVB filters
  11. Prevents chlorine and sun damage

So basically, everything. Obviously perfect for summer too, what with all of that protection, from both natural elements and styling-wise. It smells coconutty, but not in a super dominating way, really just light and fresh.

I noticed a big difference in my hair from using Eleven Australia’s Miracle Hair Treatment. My hair was softer, fresher, it grew faster, and just overall shiny and healthy. Excellent work Joey and Andrew 🙂

You can buy Eleven Australia’s Miracle Hair
Treatment from selected salons, for$24.95 RRP
